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Mastering Your Mind for Psychic Development
Course Overview
Importance of Mastering Your Mind
Lesson 1
What does it mean to become master of my own mind?
The Working Mind & Different Planes of Consciousness
Lesson 2
Why mindfulness is important in the development of spiritual practice
Becoming more mindful. Where to begin
The 4 rights
Lesson 3
Why is Karma important during the practice of Mindfulness?
What to do with energy as it comes your way
Mastering the ‘chitter chatter’ of the mind
Lesson 4
Manifestation & Intention
How to deal with challenges - The Emergency Rescue Ritual
The Morning ritual
The Evening Ritual
Integrating Mind Mastery with Spiritual Growth
The First Steps To Spiritual Transformation
Connecting with Your Higher Self
Final Thoughts and Next Steps
Review of Key Concepts
Creating a Personal Mind Mastery Plan
Resources for Continued Growth and Learning.
The 4 rights
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